About the Energy Partnership

Since 2012, the Turkish-German Energy Forum has been supporting the exchange of knowledge and ideas between policymakers, businesses, science and civil society, bringing together people and ideas to support the transformation of the energy system. The cooperation has intensified since 2018 and now encompasses three working groups: Renewable Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Sector Coupling; Energy Efficiency; and Regulation of Electricity and Gas Markets as well as a Task Force on Green Hydrogen.
The strong growth of the Turkish economy has led to increased energy demand across all sectors of the economy. Therefore, energy security, affordable energy prices, and decreased dependency on energy imports are important strategic energy policy goals. The energy transition is an opportunity to achieve these strategic goals, support economic growth, and fight climate change. An already high share of renewables in the energy mix and high potential for further renewable energy generation from solar and wind sources, as well as hydropower and geothermal energy, provide the ideal basis for further development. Both countries have developed extensive experience in all aspects of the energy transition. With its Climate and Energy Partnerships and Energy Dialogues, Germany also shares its experience to further the global task of fighting climate change.
Goals of the Turkish-German Energy Partnership
The Turkish-German Energy Partnership
- Intensifies the collaboration between Germany and Türkiye through the exchange of experience and by initiating specific pilot projects
- Supports bilateral collaboration with three working groups and a task force responsible for implementing measures
- Communicates the goals of a low-carbon energy transition
- Encourages the networking of German and Turkish businesses, scientific institutions and civil society
- Collaborates with institutions, associations and businesses in the working groups
- Supports bilateral meetings between representatives from both countries
The Working Groups and Task Force
The working groups of the partnership focus on different aspects of the energy transition and implement concrete measures on their core topics.
- Working Group 1: Renewable Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Sector Coupling
- Working Group 2: Energy Efficiency
- Working Group 3: Regulation of Electricity and Gas Markets
- Task Force: Green Hydrogen
Organisational Structure of the Partnership
The Turkish-German Energy Partnership was founded by the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The German Energy Agency (dena), the German Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK) in Türkiye and the General Directorate of Foreign Relations at MENR support the work of the Energy Partnership and coordinate the working groups. Representatives from both countries chair each working group. Working Group 1 is chaired by the General Directorate of Energy Affairs together with dena, Working Group 2 by the Energy Efficiency and Environment Department (EVÇED) together with dena, Working Group 3 by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) together with the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and the Task Force is chaired by the MENR together with the BMWK and supported by dena.
The Working Groups and Task Force
In Cooperation with
Our Experts
Contact data
Lilia Mass
Project Director | Turkish-German Energy Partnership
+ 49 030 66 777-335
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Mustafa Çağatay Yaşar
Expert | Turkish-German Energy Partnership
+ 90 312 546 46 46 5654
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Pınar Ergüney Otar
Head of Publicly Funded Projects and Energy
+90 312 219 74 19
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