The Turkish-German Energy Partnership at the Energy is Future Congress in Istanbul

Within the framework of the Energy is Future (EiF) Congress that took place in Istanbul from 15-17th November 2023, the Turkish-German Energy Partnership (TGEP) hosted a panel that dived deep into the topics of electromobility and grid integration.
Alongside representatives from the German Energy Agency (dena), industry experts from Istanbul Energy AŞ, SHURA Energy Transition Center, Eşarj Elektrikli Araçlar AŞ, and Borusan EnBW Energy shared their unique insights and experiences on the subject.
In Türkiye, the proportion of battery electric vehicles remains relatively low; however, their significance in new vehicle registrations is steadily increasing. The speakers addressed the challenges facing the country's electromobility sector, particularly in light of the anticipated rise in electric vehicle usage. One major issue is that the current Turkish power grid is not yet equipped to support widespread battery-electric transportation. While this challenge has been acknowledged, the implications for the electricity grid are substantial. Additionally, there are further obstacles, especially in metropolitan areas like Istanbul, where space for charging infrastructure is limited. The panelists agreed that a combination of public and private charging infrastructure is essential. Notably, private infrastructure requires significant investment, as space for charging stations is more readily available in these areas.
Aside from the panel, the Turkish-German Energy Partnership team engaged in impactful discussions with industry players such as EnerjiSA, Istanbul Enerji, Ford Otosan, and TOGG at the vibrant Turkish-German Energy Partnership stand. The exchange of experiences painted a vivid picture of the ongoing developments and innovations in Türkiye’s transformative journey towards a climate-neutral future.